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Medieval XV c. one hand sword with typical cross and pommel. A sword like this was found in the field of Battle of Castillon (1453), France. This type of swords were very popular in the times of late medieval.
Medieval XV c. one hand sword with typical cross and pommel. A sword like this was found in the field of Battle of Castillon (1453), France. This type of swords were very popular in the times of late medieval.
One hand sword with hammered and tempered blade. This is a very good fighting sword, well balanced and weighted. Based more on combat experience than the guidance of history, although the cross and pommel are 'medieval'.
One hand sword dated approximately 1250 A.D. (type Xa or XI by Oakeshott). Pommel type D and cross type 1a (Oakeshott) are steel made. Full battle ready, no sharp edges.