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  • Hand-and-a-half sword XV-XVI c. (214013)

    Medieval sword made accordingly to type XX of E. Oakeshott's typology. Used in second half of 15th and first half of 16th century. Forged blade, no sharp edges and full battle ready.

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  • Hand-and-a-half sword XV c. (214012)

    Medieval, 15th century sword with characteristic cross. Forged blade that allows to use this sword in re-enactment.

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  • Hand-and-a-half sword XIV c. (214010)

    By appearance and overall shape this sword is similar to a swords from tle fourth quarter of 14th century. T2 type of pommel and curved cross are characteristic to „Sempach” type of swords.

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  • Hand-and-a-half sword XV c. (214008)

     Medieval sword made accordingly to type XVIa of E. Oakeshott's typology

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  • Knight's sword 1370-1420 (214007)

    Hand-and-a-half sword, type XVII, dated 1370-1420. Very well ballanced, ideal for fighting. Also used as an unique interior decoration.

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  • Hand-and-a-half sword XIV c. (214003)

    Medieval 14th century sword with a typical pommel and cross. Forged blade, no sharp edges and full battle ready sword suitable for experienced re-enactors.

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  • Hand-and-a-half sword XV c. (214002)

    Long sword dated ca. 1450-1475. Well shaped pommel and cross makes that sword unique. Forged and hardened blade allows to use this sword in re-enactment fightings.

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